Bodyweight Burn an Easy and Effective Workout Program

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As we are thinking about those dreaded new year’s resolutions, weight loss is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Bodyweight Burn could be the program you are looking for. It is a fat loss program from Adam Steer, “The Bodyweight Coach.”

Steer is well-known in the fitness world for his effective approach to bodyweight-only exercises. He has produced other successful programs like Bodyweight Exercise Revolution, Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss, and Shapeshifter Body Redesign.

The BW3 Workout System uses new advancements in fitness science, along with the world’s oldest and most effective exercises.

One of the best parts of this program is….

The synergy Steer creates with his approach allows you to burn so much more of that hard to lose fat than other boring workouts, in just 21 minutes everyday.

What is the goal? To lose as much as 21 pounds of fat off your body in just 12 short weeks.

Bodyweight Burn System
<Click Here to Access the Official BodyWeight Burn Website>

What is Bodyweight Burn?

It is hard to believe that a 21-minute workout could be so intense.

Steer’s primary fitness clients have been CEO’s, professionals and stay at home mom’s. Basically, people who wanted to get in shape quickly, without wasting too much time.

This is why every workout in Bodyweight Burn is designed to be easily completed in just 21 minutes. There are 3 different “types of workouts” in this approach.

A large part of the program is based on interval training. If you know what high intensity intervals are, you’ll know how effective they are:

A recent study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology showed that, when it comes to boosting calorie burning, as little as 15 minutes of resistance training did just as good a job as 35 minutes of weight lifting. And the increase in metabolism lasted for as much as 72 hours AFTER the workout!

Hard to believe, but one of the biggest benefits of this type of training over regular cardio like on treadmills or exercise bikes is that it can continue to burn fat for up to 24 to 48 hours after exercising.

That’s why Steer calls these these exercises “Afterburner workouts”.

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He also includes an exercise called “Metabolic Muscle” workouts. They are designed to build and maintain your attractive lean muscle. Because these muscles burn more calories at rest — which means you burn more fat. And because that muscle is what gives your body its attractive shape.

The third part of Steer’s approach is called “Cardioflow”. This is his answer to boring traditional treadmills and jogging. Cardioflow takes a fun series of bodyweight movements and then puts them into a long flowing chain. The goal here is to move continuously without resting. You end up burning fat while having fun.

Bodyweight Burn is divided into two 6-week phases, for a total of a 12 week period. You get 1 day of total rest per week, so you’re training 6 days a week. You probably won’t even notice, because you’ll finish the workouts so fast.

Bodyweight Burn - Who is this for?

Who is This Program For?

This is a program that is perfect for people who don’t have much free time.

It is also great for people who travel, because you can do it anywhere, anytime.

Additionally, it is an excellent solution for you if you hate going to a gym. You can do every workout in the privacy of your own home.

You don’t need to have a high level of fitness to begin Bodyweight Burn, either. All of Steer’s workouts are designed to scale up in intensity level. So you can take it slow if you’re just starting out. And it will also challenge you if do exercise regularly. Your age and current fitness level is not a factor.

Just remember in that this isn’t a “muscle building” program. You will burn fat and build a lean toned physique. If your goal is to gain big bodybuilder type muscle, you would be better off joining a gym and lifting weights.

This program is perfect for you if you want to lose weight, improve your health, look great naked and feel more confident at the beach or in the boardroom.

What is the Best Part About It?

Here are the best parts about Bodyweight Burn:

  1. It’s fast. You really can strip away belly fat and build powerful lean muscle with workouts that take LESS than half an hour. That adds up to 2.1 hours a week. And anyone has that kind of time, no matter how busy you are.
  2. Easy to follow. The shorter your workouts, the more likely you are to stick to them. That’s important, because consistency is the #1 success factor when it comes to long term fat loss.
  3. No more gyms! You don’t need a gym membership to follow this program, so you actually save money. You can do these workouts in your living room, back yard, hotel room or office. All you need is a small amount of space and a timer.
  4. It’s fun. There are some REALLY cool moves in this program. Stuff I’ve never seen before. And I bet most gym trainers have never seen them either. Steer is passionate about his methods, and it shows. This is a workout that you’ll have fun following.
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Steer also backs this program with a 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee. He’s confident that he can get you results. And he wants you to give it a try at no risk to you.

You can also contact Steer and his team for help at any time through his customer support email. His team is well known in the industry for their fast, courteous response.

What is Included in the Bodyweight Burn Program?

The entire Bodyweight Burn program is available for immediate download.

You wont need to wait for the mail to arrive to start losing fat. And you can watch the workouts on your computer, tablet or mobile device.

You get THREE essential workout methods with the Bodyweight Burn program:

– Afterburner workouts
– Metabolic Muscle workouts
– Cardioflow workouts

You will get video tutorials where Steer coaches you through every single exercise in the program. And these aren’t just some clip filmed in a basement or commercial gym. This was obviously a high quality production created by a film crew.

Finally, you also receive a full pdf manual that explains the theory behind the entire Bodyweight Burn approach, handy wall charts that you can print and post in your workout area for quick reference, and printable journals for tracking your progress.

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Everything is done for you. If you want to understand the theory, you can read the main manual. And if you’d rather just want to jump straight to the workouts, there’s a Quick Start guide that tells you exactly what to do.

What are the Negatives?

One of the main disadvantages is that Bodyweight Burn is only available online. You won’t find this program in stores or even on Amazon. But to be fair, Steer did say that he wanted to offer the best possible program with the most complete user-friendly
components, while keeping the cost low enough so anyone could afford it. Making the program downloadable is probably the best way to do that.

And of course if you’d rather watch the workout videos on your television, it’s very easy to burn the videos to a DVD that will work in any home DVD player.

Bodyweight Burn - Go for it

What is the Final Verdict?

Bodyweight Burn is a complete fat loss solution for people who are busy, who hate the gym, and for anyone who wants to get lean in the least amount of time.

The materials are high quality. This program was put together by someone who knows how to teach, so you’ll never be confused about what to do next. And Steer’s customer support is there to help answer any question you might have down the road.

The testimonials on his site speak to just how effective the Bodyweight Burn BW3 approach is to torching fat. If you follow the directions, then this program will work for you.

Bodyweight Burn is highly recommended, and I give it a big thumbs up.

One sure way to have success with your weight loss goals is to couple any exercise with a healthy eating plan, check out these below: